Brown School of Business and Leadership

May Term 2012 - Syllabus

Course: MKT-325-01 International Marketing
BTM-650-01 Independent Study in International Marketing
May Term European Study Tour Format
Pre-Trip & Post-Trip Classes will meet in SB 306
Professor: Lawrence E. Burgee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & European Study Tour Leader
Office: SB 414
Tel: 443-352-4339
Personal Website:
Office Hours: eMail or see professor for appointment.

This syllabus constitutes an agreement (contract) between the student and the professor.

Note: The European Study Tour will be referred to as "the Program".


International Marketing, 14th Edition (2008), Cateora, Gilly, & Graham, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, ISBN-10: 0073380989.

Other Resources and Materials:

Students must have access to Internet, Blackboard, eMail, and Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Picture Manager). Most of the course documents will be posted on Blackboard (or the professor's website). You should bring a notebook computer, camera, and flash drive with you for the Program. The School has a limited number of loaner laptops available; contact the professor if you need to borrow one. Also bring lined paper, a clipboard/portfolio, and a pencil or pen to record notes and complete assignments.

Course Description:

SU Undergraduate Catalog: Examines the economic, cultural, political, and technological factors that affect the marketing of goods, services, and experiences worldwide. Emphasis is on the problems and decisions involved across and within international borders, and the structure in international markets. Students will gain insight into developing marketing strategies outside the U.S. Prerequisite(s): MKT 206.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Define international marketing;
  2. Describe the impact of economic, cultural, and political environments on international marketing;
  3. Develop a global marketing strategy;
  4. Recognize ethical dilemmas that confront international marketing managers;
  5. Enhance your communication skills and apply these skills in the assignments; and
  6. Develop the ability to work well in groups and with people of other cultures.

Course Requirements:


There will be two quizzes as part of the course requirements. Unexcused absence from a quiz will result in a zero (0) grade for the quiz. A make-up quiz will be given only if the student’s absence has been excused by the professor in advance.

Business and Cultural Observations Journal

Beginning on the day we arrive in Europe, you will make a daily entry into your Business and Cultural Observations Journal. Look for instances of cultural differences that an American should be aware of if asked to travel abroad on behalf of their company. For each company visit and cultural excursion, keep detailed notes with a focus on items or discussions related to international marketing topics covered in the textbook. You should include your thoughts and analyses of the situations encountered. You may hand-write your Journal during the Program and submit it in that form (as long as it's readable) in order to earn a maximum grade of 80% (160 points). If you would like to earn a higher grade, then you may submit your Journal in typewritten format complete with photos and items collected during the Tour. You need to "wow" the professor in order to earn an "A" on the Journal! The Journal must be printed, stapled (or bound), and turned in to the professor during the Post-Trip Class (see Schedule).


MKT-325 (undergraduate) students will complete a project in teams of 3-4 students with two major parts. In Part 1, each team will create a Business and Culture Preliminary Report for one of the countries visited, and present the information during the classroom session in each city visited. In Part 2, each team will create a Marketing Plan for a product or service to be introduced in one or more of the countries visited. Alternatively for Part 2, the team can choose a product or service available in Europe and create a a Marketing Plan for sales or distribution in the United States.

BTM-650 (graduate) students will work individually and complete a Country Notebook - A Guide for Developing a Marketing Plan described on pages 583-591 in the textbook. The Country Notebook will focus on the countries visited in Europe. You will select a good or service, and then develop the marketing plan for introducing that good or service in one or more of the countries visited in Europe. The Country Notebook includes four parts: Cultural Analysis, Economic Analysis, Market Audit and Competitive Market Analysis, and Preliminary Marketing Plan.

Guidelines for the project will be discussed early in the semester.

Store Comparison Report

In order to complete the Store Comparison Report, students will visit a fast-food chain store or supermarket, and one additional "category" (of the student's choice) in the United States and then visit comparable stores in each city visited. Specific guidelines will be distributed early in the semester. Students may work individually or in pairs (preferred) on the Report.

Class Participation & Professionalism

Class participation is primarily based on your participation in discussions and completion of in-class exercises, group activities, homework assignments, and activities during the Program. Most of the participation activities will be graded on a pass/fail basis.

Professionalism is the expectation of professional, polite, and courteous conduct with all aspects of the course. Students are expected to arrive on-time and attend all classes. It is NOT possible to make up class work missed due to absence. Repeated lateness (more than one time in the Program) will result in lost professionalism (class participation) points. Lateness is defined as entering the room more than five minutes after the scheduled start of class. Please quiet your cellphones and "texting" and use of headphones are strictly prohibited (as the professor may think you are cheating in some way). Do not use computers in class unless instructed (or allowed) to do so.

Also, with respect to professionalism, you will be a representative of Stevenson University while traveling abroad and must conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. You need to wear "business" (proper) attire to all company visits (unless instructed otherwise). You must be extraordinarily polite to and considerate of your travel-mates, company visit hosts and representatives, hotel staff, transportation employees, and the locals you encounter in Europe. Repeated unprofessional behavior could result in a grade deduction and the possibility of being dismissed from the Program and sent home. Students will be required to sign a Student Participation Contract prior to departure.

You must attend all Program classes, activities, company visits, and cultural excursions. You will receive a daily score representative of your level of professionalism and participation. The starting daily score will be 90% (A-). Your score can then be adjusted up (for A or A+ performance) or down (for B+ or lower performance).


The breakdown of points to determine your grades is as follows:

Quiz 1 100 points
Quiz 2 100 points
Business and Cultural Observations Journal 200 points
Project 300 points
Store Comparison Report 150 points
Class Participation & Professionalism 150 points
Total 1000 points

Grades will be issued on the basis of the following final point totals:

A 930 points and above
A- 900 - 929 points
B+ 870 - 899 points
B 830 - 869 points
B- 800 - 829 points
C+ 770 - 799 points
C 730 - 769 points
C- 700 - 729 points
D+ 670 - 699 points
D 600 - 669 points
F Less than 600 points


  1. Late submissions of journals, projects, reports, and assignments will not be accepted.
  2. Graded exams, exercises, and projects may be retained by the professor for future reference.
  3. You are responsible for all material covered and any announcement made in any class session, whether you are present or not.
  4. Due to inclement weather, travel and/or logistical issues, or other unforeseen circumstances, it may be necessary to adjust the course content and schedule. The professor reserves the right to do this.

Textbook Chapters:

The following chapters will be covered and are included in the two quizzes:

  • Chapter 1: The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing
  • Chapter 4: Cultural Dynamics and Assessing Global Markets
  • Chapter 5: Culture, Management Style, and Business Systems
  • Chapter 8: Developing a Global Vision through Marketing Research

The following chapters will be covered during company visits and various aspects of the Program:

  • Chapter 11: Global Marketing Management: Planning and Organization
  • Chapter 12: Products and Services for Consumers
  • Chapter 14: International Marketing Channels
  • Chapter 16: Integrated Marketing Communications and International Advertising
  • Chapter 17: Personal Selling and Sales Management
  • Chapter 18: Pricing for International Markets
  • Chapter 19: Negotiating with International Customers, Partners, and Regulators

Class Cancellation:

In the event that a class is cancelled due to inclement weather, other adverse conditions, or logistical necessity, an alternate assignment or activity will be assigned.

Academic Integrity Policies:

Students are expected to be familiar with and adhere to the Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty Policy as published in the Stevenson University Undergraduate Catalog (Academic Policies section). In particular, students should be familiar with the definitions of cheating, plagiarism, and fabrication. Any violation of the Academic Honesty Policy may result in an "F" for the assignment or an "F" for the course at the discretion of the professor. This penalty could be changed to dismissal from the University by higher authorities.

Academic Honesty Penalty

Any attempt to commit cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized assistance, fabrication, multiple submissions, or other violations as defined in the Stevenson academic Honesty Policy constitutes academic dishonesty. A violation of academic honesty is considered a serious offense by the college administration. Penalties include loss of credit for the assignment or failure of the course at the discretion of the professor. Violations may also lead to dismissal from the program or college at the discretion of the Associate Dean for Academic Support Services. Any attempt to commit the following offenses constitutes academic dishonesty.

Cheating: Using unauthorized material to complete a test, quiz, examination, or assignment. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying from other students, relying upon aids or notes during a test, or consulting outside sources without the professor's permission. Giving unauthorized assistance to other students also constitutes cheating.

Plagiarism: Representing the words, ideas, research, or works of another as one’s own. Plagiarism can involve submitting work prepared entirely or in part by another person or commercial service or borrowing material as direct quotation, partial quotation, or paraphrase from published or unpublished sources without proper acknowledgement. Students must document all print, online, and oral sources they use to complete assignments.

Unauthorized Assistance: Preparing an assignment with the help of another student or allowing another person, such as a tutor, to alter or revise an assignment beyond the scope of collaboration the professor has defined.

Fabrication: Presenting false data, sources, or research results for academic credit.

Multiple Submission: Presenting the same work, in whole or in part, for credit in more than one course without the explicit permission of all interested professors.

Other Violations: Including, but not limited to, lying, forgery, bribery, damaging or stealing college or another’s property, physically abusing another person, or verbally threatening another.

Course Withdrawal

This is an alternative format course and a course withdrawal is not permitted. If you "dropout" of the course once we are in Europe, you will be sent home at your expense, and will receive the grade of "F" or "Fx".

Course Schedule:

The most up-to-date Schedule is located at and click on Schedule in the Europe section. The Schedule is subject to change.



Loc Date Topics
SU Fri Apr 13 Introductions; Syllabus
Chapter 1: The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing
SU Fri Apr 20 Travel Considerations; Project Guidelines
Chapter 4: Cultural Dynamics and Assessing Global Markets
SU Fri May 4 Final Preparations; Student Participation Contract
Quiz 1
(Chapters 1 and 4)
Chapter 5: Culture, Management Style, and Business Systems
Paris Mon May 14 Business and Culture Preliminary Report(s) - France
Chapter 8: Developing a Global Vision through Marketing Research
Paris Mon May 14
Tue May 15
Wed May 16
Company Visits (See Tour Summary Schedule)
Company Visits
Company Visits (or Free/OCO Time)
Milan Fri May 18 Business and Culture Preliminary Report(s) - Milan
Quiz 2 (Chapters 5 and 8)
Chapter coverage (variable)
Milan Fri May 18
Mon May 21
Tue May 22
Company Visits (See Tour Summary Schedule)
Company Visits
Company Visits (or Free/OCO Time)
Prague Thu May 24 Business and Culture Preliminary Report(s) - Prague
Chapter coverage (variable)
Prague Thu May 24
Fri May 25
Sat May 26
Company Visits (See Tour Summary Schedule)
Company Visits
Company Visits (or Free/OCO Time)
SU Fri Jun 8 Project Presentations
Due at 6:00 PM: Project Paper
Due at 6:00 PM: Business and Cultural Observations Journal
Due at 6:00 PM: Store Comparison Report